Small Business Resources
We're looking for potential suppliers. For small businesses looking to grow outside of their traditional markets, whether through organic growth or teaming opportunities, the Department of Energy's prime contractors represent a strong opportunity. High quality, technically superior, and competitively priced small business suppliers of goods and services can be and have been selected for individual, multi-site, and enterprise-wide agreements.
We value small business
The Supply Chain Management Center works collaboratively with prime contractors at 23 DOE Environmental Management and National Nuclear Security Administration sites across the country to develop multi-site and enterprise-wide purchasing agreements. Individual prime contractors remain responsible for their site or project's acquisition activities.
The SCMC uses agreement criteria that ensures compliance and fair market competition resulting in the overall best value for contract awards while supporting the development of local, small, and minority-owned businesses. Suppliers are chosen based on a list of desirable characteristics, which include the ability to meet site-specific requirements, as well as the availability of high quality products and services, on-time delivery, technical superiority, and competitive pricing.
We seek qualified suppliers by conducting market research and consulting with commodity experts at each of the DOE/NNSA sites. Suppliers with strong past performance, especially when recommended by individual prime contractors, are preferred.
The SCMC maintains a database of current and potential suppliers who are interested in exploring multi-site and enterprise-wide agreements. While the SCMC evaluates a supplier's potential inclusion in multi-site opportunities, registering your interest also allows the SCMC to share your information with prime contractors across the country when they do their own site-specific market research. The database is accessible to individual NNSA and EM sites through an enterprise-wide web portal.
Before submitting their interest on our website, the SCMC recommends suppliers first register on This will help you to complete the SCMC Supplier Profile Form.
We also recommend visiting the SCMC website at least once a quarter to see what new business opportunities are posted and if new small business resources have been published. See below and at right for useful insights and resources to help small businesses identify how to work at the site-specific, multi-site, and enterprise-wide levels.
Find ways of partnering with prime contractors locally and across the enterprise
The contractors can often be your strongest advocate if they consider your company to be a top performer or best-in-class supplier. It is those endorsements we look for when seeking input as to which suppliers could possibly serve multiple locations and meet our requirements. We encourage suppliers interested in working with the individual prime contractors to visit their Supplier Portals, listed at right, to find more information about them and their opportunities.
Advice and Insights
Doing Business with NNSA and DOE EM Contractors
White Paper, Supply Chain Management Center
Published September 2019
How to Register in SAM
Online Instructions

Supplier Portals
Kansas City National Security Campus
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Nevada National Security Site
Pantex Plant
Sandia National Laboratories
Y-12 National Security Complex
Environmental Management
Savannah River Site
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Office of River Projection - Hanford Site
Hanford Waste Treatment Plant
Hanford Tank Operations (WRPS)
Richland Operations Office - Hanford Site
Central Plateau Cleanup Company
Hanford Mission Integration Solutions
Oak Ridge
East Tennessee Technology Park Cleanup
Idaho Clean-up Project Core Contract
Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office
Paducah and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants
Paducah Deactivation and Remediation Project
Portsmouth Decontamination and Decommissioning Program
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Nuclear Waste Partnership
West Valley Demonstration Project
CH2M Hill Babcock & Wilcox West Valley (CHBWV)
Los Alamos
Los Alamos National Laboratory Legacy Cleanup Contract